Tuesday, June 29, 2010

DC (well Atlantic City) day 7

Today Randy had to work (dang it!) So I was left to my own devices. I ran around the golf course. There was a "jogging trail" but I liked the look of the cart trail better. I decided to cut over and run on that. I had to be very careful not to get thwacked by a golf ball. Twice I saw "gentlemen" trying to hit their ball out of the trees. I was very careful when I was close to the green (I'm not sure if that is the right term. Your goal in golf??? to hit it to the little cup? Is that the green?) You get what I mean anyway. One guy almost ran me over trying to just get his club out of his back that was on the back of the cart. C'mon already! Can you not hear me pounding w/ my shoes? Can you not hear me Sucking air try to extract every bit of oxygen out of this humid air. I could hear myself over my iPod! Thats how hard I was breathing!

Whew...glad I got that off my chest. Anyway. Then I sat by the pool for 4 hours. It was cloudy for most of the morning so I was doing fine. Then then dang sun came out, I got sunburned, then I had to leave. It was REALLY really hot.

When Randy got home from work I was more than ready to head out. We headed for Atlantic City. Randy said that everyone should see it for themselves. Our plan was to find a place to eat dinner on the boardwalk and see the beach. OHMYGOSH! What a creepy place. All the hotels/casinos are DUMPS. The crowd that it attracts is creepy. Keep your hand on your wallet and I AM NOT kidding.

On a side note, there are a LOT of homeless asking for money. There was a gentleman on the boardwalk with his wheelchair sitting next to him. He looked like he was standing in a hole. Let me see if I can explain this. His body from the b
ottom of his rib cage was just gone. It was an incredibly moving site. I have no words to even describe this. Just wanted to share that. I'm so lucky in so many ways.

  • We ate dinner at a place called Evo. Ehhh! Not that great but it was really hard to find a place to even eat. There were a LOT of massage parlors. I wonder if they are the kind with the happy ending? At that place I would NOT be surprised. (Did I mention that the boardwalk was creepy?)
After dinner we walked to the beach. You can see its beautiful. If I could just subtract all of the people, it would have been a really nice experience. The boardwalk is surrounded by ghetto. Then you drive 2 blocks and there you will find Tommy Hilfiger, J Crew, Perry Ellis etc. Its a great study in the American Social Situation.

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