Sunday, July 25, 2010

DC day 33

Well, its already Sunday again. Today was Segway Tour day. We decided to do the Dupont Circle tour as I have already seen a lot of the DC monuments. It was a tour of Embassy Row and then ending at the National Cathedral. Learned a lot about this area today. We got to Dupont Circle and woo hoo, they have a farmers market there as well. It looked even better than what we see at the Eastern Market. (minus the indoor part.) So we did some quick lessons on the Segway and then we were off. The Segway's top speed is 12 miles per hour, but the city's speed limit for the Segway is only 10 miles per hour. Do they have a ticket for 2 miles per hour over the speed limit on a segway? Just a thought.

Anyway....I was doing really well! SO, well, in fact, I am now a licensed Segway driver. I am licensed by "Segs in the City." I have a card and EVERYTHING!

I'm sure everyone is aware of this, but it is so FREAKING hot here. It is 99 degrees but feels like 106 with the heat index. But most of the tour was in the shade, so it was really a beautiful tour. So glad we did it. A bit of trivia about The National Cathedral is this: It is so big that the Washington Monument will lay down in the National Cathedral. (I'm not sure how you'd get it in there....BUT, if you did, you could lay it down in there!)

The Embassy's are all old homes built at the turn of the Century by the gazillionaires of the time, and then were abandoned during the depression. So they were sold for hardly any money to the country that then made the house into embassies. They are mansions and are beautiful (with flags hanging out front!)

I'm including this picture of myself while sitting at the Cathedral. It was SO SO hot. I didn't do my hair, just put it in pig tails, b/c I knew that I would be wearing a helmet, and sweating like crazy. Didn't put any makeup on either. So when we were done with the tour, Randy wanted to just head to Target to get that out of the way. It was also around 1 o'clock and we were starving. I jokingly said "ok, but I better not see someone I know!" DC has 10 gazillion people. There is NO way we would just happen to run into someone I know. I don't know anyone! I have helmet hair, no makeup and smell like someone who has been living on the street for 2 weeks!

We went to 5 guys. A hamburger place that everyone HAS to try when they come to DC. (I wasn't THAT impressed! (Lota Burger is better.)

I'm sure you can see what's coming. OF COURSE we ran into someone who knows me. One of the guys that Randy works with, Darrell! WTF!??? Seriously? So we had lunch with Darrell, looking my best, EVER!

It will be funny this time next month, right? Darrell said that he had to go to Target so we said, Hey, so do we! So after lunch we said we'd walk with him. so he says "oh, well, I can come back to Target later, I'm just going to head home." Huh??? What was he going to buy? Condoms but thought we might see?

Oh, and good news, the Tornado WARNING has expired. But it did rain for about 10 minutes. It has cooled off and its cloudy. Beautiful!


  1. Guess what...we have a five guys here in Albuquerque..tried it-it was pretty good!! I cant believe you can ride around on a Segway-way too cool!!!

  2. Sounds like a good tour. Did they point out the Darth Vader gargoyle? If not, you can actually do a gargoyle tour of the cathedral. Strangely, I too went to Five Guys yesterday and agree with you, it's a good burger, but it's not the best burger I've ever had.

  3. Five Guys is a national chain, not a local joint. For local burgers, check out Rogue States or the Good Stuff Eatery (my personal favorite- it's on Capitol Hill and is owned and operated by a former Top Chef Contestant).
