Wednesday, July 14, 2010

DC day 22

Today, a beautiful day in DC, was cool and rainy.

Today included a visit to the Hirshhorn Museum of (fine???) Art. This is the round museum that is very close to the Smithsonian "castle." You can't miss it, its round.

The first time I was in DC I visited the Hirshhorn and was absolutely blown away by an artist named Ron Mueck (please google him.) I remember walking into a room and there was a naked giant sitting in a corner. He was so life-like even down to the hair on his toes. This would be another DC "OHMYGOSH" moment. Ron Mueck! Incredible!

So today, imagine my complete and absolute horror as I walked into the Horshhorn and there was this CRAP on the wall from an artist called Yves Kline. He was a French artist who was SO self indulgent that he believed that his painting a complete canvas blue, could be considered art. Another one is completely yellow, pink, gold leaf, etc. Everyone of the visitors was shaking their heads in disbelief that this crap would pass for art. I even heard a woman say "I feel as if I've been duped!" She expressed what everyone who has seen this exhibit has thought. What a LOAD OF CRAP! There were also stupid quotes on the wall from the artist himself. It was such a waste of money, time, and space. Just my humble opinion. I, again, am not an artist and so if I'm incredulous.....I have no words. I only judge art as it would be judged today. Da Vinci, Rembrandt, etc. Yves Klien must have been one of the "special people" in the 1960s. His art is crap. And in case I haven't made my self perfectly clear: It is crappola!

So it was raining and so I decided that I would walk in the rain. I was soaked by the time I was done. And by the way, flip flops are VERY slippery on the marble at the curbs of the street. I almost biffed it crossing 7th and Independence. Where is my video camera when I need it???

I walked around the Smithsonian Castle garden. I saw fountains, and benches. For some reason the benches seemed so pretty today, half wet.

Do you see how beautiful this is?

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