Friday, July 16, 2010

DC day 23 & 24

Yesterday, Thursday, was Norman Rockwell at the Portrait Museum. Now I know why the left turn at the reception desk was so lame. They were gearing up for the Rockwell exhibit. It was spectacular. Sadly, the exhibit prohibited any type of camera, so if you even thought about bringing out a cell phone, the 87 year-old room guard would yell at a person (namely me!) I was so scared when he yelled at me to put my cell phone away (I have GOT to stop texting so much), I accidently started Pandora on my phone. OH CRAP, Maroon 5 starts playing before I realized it was my phone! Everyone is now staring at me. SO, I tried to stop the Pandora and Maroon 5 from playing in an otherwise silent room. I am digging in my purse, so I don't actually get my phone out and get yelled out again by the 87 year old phone nazi. Whew!!! Mission accomplished! I drop my phone back in my purse. All of a sudden I hear Adele start. DAMN IT!!! I accidently stopped Pandora by hitting the button that starts iPod! DAMN IT!!! I decided my best defense was retreat! I quickly left the room with everyone killing me with their eyes, because I was disturbing the ambience of the exhibit. True Story! What are the chances. It was a great exhibit, though. Norman Rockwell! Now that is an artist. Compared to the conceited freak being praised at the Horshhorn I cannot believe Klien is even being given a platform. (But I think I've already stated my opinion.)

Today it was the Holocaust museum. This is the entrance and it is meant to look like a train station. I have been once before and it was, indeed, terrifying and moving. Man's inhumanity to Man. Today, however, it was so very crowded! OHMYGOSH! As I'm 5'1" (rounding up) and 110 pounds (rounding down) I couldn't see A FREAKING THING!! It was so crowded, it took 15 minutes just to walk out of the museum! The Holocaust museum will have to wait for another day.

Then we decided to go to the Library of Congress. I have a blister by now on my heel because of my beautiful new shoes that make my feet look as sexy as possible. But I'm not going to let that stop me. Right, ladies? We were there in time to join a 2:30 tour. We heard all about the incredible, breath-taking architecture. I, however, know nothing more about what the Library of Congress does, is, or shall ever be. I got myself a cute little Library of Congress (LOC) passport, though! and a cute little sticker that says "Library of Congress." I am SO lucky!!! If you have a question about the subtlety of the multiple layers of architectural meaning, I'm your girl. Anything else.....I bet it's Googleable! Cuz I learned Nuthin today!

Tomorrow is Saturday! What does that mean??? Everyone should know by now! EASTERN Market! (and brunch!)

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